This guide will help import extra levels for Blast Puzzle in a few clicks!

Blast Puzzle on Asset Store

Extra Levels for Blast Puzzle on Asset Store

  1. Import the package into the project with the Blast Puzzle template.

  2. Find the next folder: Assets/Blast Puzzle Extra Levels

  3. Inside there is a scriptable object called Levels Importer, select it.


  4. In the Inspector you will find the next information


    1. Levels To Import - list of levels that will be imported.
    2. Level Database - a database where levels will be imported. You will get an error If the database isn’t found automatically. Please assign it to be able to import levels.
    3. Directory - folder where the levels will be moved during import.
  5. Click the Import Levels button - to import levels. Done! Levels are available in the Level Editor and game.